Maybe Monday


God instructed the nation of ancient Israel in Deuteronomy 22:5 as follows: “The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD your God.”

And in I Timothy 2:9: “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel…” You will find(if you visit me often) that a lot of my crochet "Maybe" projects will focus on skirts and modest apparel, as the Proverbs 31 Woman is my role model.

What I love about this pattern: The Length and bounce of the skirt. I'm such a girly girl, I like fluffy, pretty, boucny, yet modest. I can honestly say that I can see myself in this skirt by late spring.

What color should I use?: I actually think yellow would be pretty, as I am so ready to bounce out of winter and into spring!!

What type of yarn?:The pattern calls for Medium Worsted Weight Yarn

Why I might not go through with it: This is not a beginners project, as there are a couple of stitches that I personally am not familiar with.( yet!) I'll just take that as it's time for me to learn a new stitch!

If you want to look closer at this pattern, it is a free pattern at Ravelry.

Should I or should'nt I?
What do you think?
See Ya Next Monday!!
Shalam ...